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Wheat Field

About My Blog

My Goal

Growing up, people will always tell you how cruel the world is. But, no matter how much you find yourself to be "prepared" for the world, you can't ever find yourself fully prepared for it.

As a child, I was different than most  kids. I never found myself to think the same way or even have the same interests as them. I was never one to participates in sports, parties, sleepovers, etc. I was very content with my own company but as I grew more I thought that I didn't fit in. I thought that I wasn't "normal".  I became very cold and unhappy all the way up until my years in high school because I thought that I didn't "fit in". It wasn't until I was about to go off to college that I realized that I didn't need to fit in and be like everyone else. I eventually realized that by me being who I am allowed me to express myself and be free of others judgments. Nowadays, I can't flip through a newspaper or turn on the news channel without seeing young kids who don't know that it's okay to be different and ending their lives over it.

I want this page to be an anonymous advice page and or escape for others to express themselves and their feelings without having to give away their identity and worry about being criticized by others. I want to spread more truth and love behind social media. I want people to have a place to say "this has happened to me and I'm not afraid of my past because it will only make me stronger". 

I hope that through this page those who would like to speak their mind do or those that are looking for advice can contact me or search my page and find some type of answer or guidance. 

Yes, the world may be more cruel now than it used to be 60 years ago (crime wise) but we can change that if we all work at spreading positivity and joy. 

I hope for those not seeking advice you can still find positivity and enjoyment in my page.  


About My Page: About Me
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